In this age of Information Technology, an early exposure to basics of computer readies every child for the future and also helps the child to overcome any inhibitions they could have towards computer usage. Our school has a computer lab with latest hardware and software versions.

Students work on their system independently. The use of the latest P IV systems with multimedia kits are available for teaching subjects such as Science, SSt, Math’s, English, Hindi, etc .15 Smart class rooms with internet connectivity are available here. The A.C.Computer lab is configured with LCD, OHP, wide screen TV attachments and wi-fi Internet connection  to facilitate effective teaching. The school has also tied up with leading educational software providers. The students are taught with the help of specially designed software capsules, related to different topics of each subject in the class room. The multimedia capsules enhance the understanding and retention of the students as well as provide quick revisions of the topics. This lab is equipped with the latest hardware and software versions with structured cabling and access to internet.


The Chemistry Lab is conveniently located on the Second floor to enhance the power of work. A separate balance room has been provided to the students to work in all accuracy.Trained lab assistants maintain labs.Facilities for hands on experience in chemistry laboratory.

Reagents (acids and bases) are neatly arranged on one side of the room. It is made accessible by a well- trained laboratory assistant to the students. Various experiments/activities are conducted to understand the properties and behavior of solutions and substances. Various charts, time table and list of experiments put on the walls for quick reference. The experiments are conducted with half batch of each section so that each student satisfies his curiosity.
Projector with laptop is provided to facilitate learning and update scientific learning.
Equipments for titration for each student is provided which by doming satisfies the child’s curiosity of theoretical learning. A separate balance room is provided which facilitates each student to measure / weigh minutely and correctly.
Variety of charts is placed of different scientist, first aid, periodic table which motivates and helps in quick reference.
Laboratory assistant and laboratory attendant facilitates monitoring correct usage of chemicals, Behavioral problems etc, accessibility to chemicals in time


  • Physics lab is carefully designed and well equipped with modern gadgets and Hi-Tech facilities. It caters to the needs of the children as per the revised syllabus.
  • A complete power back-up has been provided. It is adorned with all modern equipments which required in any physics lab are available here. All electronic devices like transistor , P-N junction ,Zener diode, AC device, DC device, Meter bridge, Potential Meter ,Prisms ,Rectangular glass  ,slab etc. available along with small devices like millimeter, volt meter, galvanometer etc.
  • At a time 16 students can perfom various ``experiments together. `


Well equipped biology lab is there for students to enhance their practical knowledge along with interest. The Bio Lab is well set in an exclusive corner of the first floor magnificently. It is flooded with a new series of specimens and charts along with the necessary equipments. It is technically well devised for an upgraded and updated learning. Our school’s bio lab is equipped with specimens, slides, spotting, skeleton system chemicals, microscopes & other glass apparatus etc which required for the experiments & demonstrations from classes VI to XII. We have projector, laptop to use CD, floppies & modules of the smart classes of Edu Comp. & Eureka to facilitate teaching.


Words Worth English Language lab is designed to develop English language proficiency among the ESL learners of English as a second language.

Words Worth is a unique English learning programme that prepares the participant to communicate in English with clarity and confidence. It offers the best in terms of continuous evaluation, content, teaching expertise and methodology. The methodology is a blend of Instructor Lead Training (ILT) with a Computer Based Training (CBT), practice and evaluation. The sessions are designed so that the course follows a parallel-structure in which concepts are introduced in the ILT session, and reinforced with practice and an innovative approach to learning in the CBT session.

Words worth English language lab uses the institution’s existing computer laboratory PC's and classroom resources to create the International class English Language lab. Each implementation is meticulously executed providing the institution with product know-how and Training of Trainers followed by proactive support.

Based on 15 years of extensive research in India, Words Worth covers all the aspects of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW).

Language aspects addressed


The pursuit to develop English Language skills amongst students is a very healthy consideration, apparent of the global scenario. Proficiency in English is essential and can be developed through the natural process of learning practice. Developing the right pronunciation, vocabulary and semantics of speech required in environment devoid of regional influences which the Words Worth Program strives to achieve.

Students today, despite being good in their respective fields, do not become FRONT RUNNERS at the national and international levels. This is due to their poor English language and communication skills. Schools across the country lay more stress on Reading and Writing skills only. In fact Listening and Speaking skills do not get required emphasis.

In order to develop the right English language and communication skills in all the areas of LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing) it is important that these skills are worked upon right from the primary level education.

Words worth English Language Labs have been developed to cater to the needs of school students and are made available in 8 levels.

The Language Lab is equipped with Audio- Visual teaching aids to aid the learning of the languages. It has been designed to enhance overall communication among students including pronunciation, accent etc. The Lab is equipped with the latest technology in teaching language through highly advanced and sensitive microphones which catches a correct phonetic sound immediately.

The language laboratory is an audio or audio-visual installation used as an aid in modern language teaching.

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